Utilities Service Board Room
City of Bloomington Utilities Department Administrative Building
600 E. Miller Dr.
Bloomington, Indiana 47401

Tom Swafford, President
Julie Roberts, Vice President
Jeff Ehman
John Whikehart
Pedro Roman
Jason Banach
Tim Mayer, ex-officio
Tom Micuda, ex-officio

March 26, 2012
5:00 P.M. Regular Meeting

I. Call to order

II. Approval of the minutes of previous meeting (March 12th)

III. Request for approval of the Interdepartmental Agreement with the City of Bloomington – Michael Horstman

IV. Approval of the claims

V. Request for approval of the contract with ATC Associates to perform the semi-annual analysis of groundwater data from the Dillman Rd. sludge landfill – John Langley

VI. Request for approval of the Lake Lemon Shoreline Project Permit – John Langley

VII. Old business

VIII. New business

IX. Subcommittee reports

X. Staff reports

XI. Petitions and communications*

XII. Adjournment

* Brief public comment will be limited to 5 minutes per person.